No one knows who wrote the humorous gem that I copied below, but 105,000 people want to make themselves look good by posting it. Yesterday, I received a forwarded email that was sent to Rhoda who, in turn, emailed it to me — you know, the kind that starts with a dare… If you read […]
Blog Posts
The Dilemma of a Writer in 2021: Is it Risky Asking Readers to Pay?
Back from a summer hiatus, dear Subscribers to Until now, I’ve made it easy for you to read what I post on Medium by publishing it here, too. I did this, because even with all that vies for your attention, you take the time to read me. I appreciate you who landed here by […]
Roof Days With Marge
The Blessing of a 103-year-old Friend Roof Days with Marge shamelessly echoes Tuesdays with Morrie, the 2007 bestseller by Mitch Albom, about “an old man, a young man, and life greatest’s lessons.” This post is about an old woman and a somewhat-less-old woman, and life’s most challenging passage! #successful aging Marge will be 104 in […]
Learning About Loneliness from Unlikely Teachers
It is one thing to be like Greta Garbo, who famously declared in her Swedish accent, “I vant to be alone.” It is quite another matter to be lonely. Especially now, as we emerge from a year of COVID isolation, many people feel like they are lacking companionship. Three in five working Americans regard themselves […]
8 Sensible Strategies to Reduce Pre-Travel Anxiety
Advice from me to me — that you might find useful, too. This piece also appears on Medium. 11 June 2021: My Dream I am frazzled and not yet packed. With me are two young women I know from the dog park. We went to the French Open, Roland Garros, two days earlier. I wonder what they’re doing in […]