When news of the pandemic sunk in, I didn’t immediately think, “Oh, no! That means I’ll be mopping the floor and cleaning my own toilets. But in the post-apocalyptic world, house cleaning is part of the Zeitgeist. “I’m trying to figure out how clean the toilet without sticking my hand in,” Marge says today, when […]
Unexpected Casualty of the Pandemic: My Hair
People talk about the “new normal.” To me, it’s the New Different. And we have no idea where the stress and anxiety will take us. The virus has already affected my hair. I don’t yet resemble the meme now circulating, but… On Tuesday, March 17, I realized my roots were starting to show, so […]
Even in a Pandemic, “Look for the good”
How do we get through this? Zelda* believed in the healing power of laughter. But I’m also sure she would have told us: Look for the good. “It’s always there, honey — something.” She reminded me often and had lots of examples: “When I spoke to my son-in-law after his stroke, and he said, ‘Mom, […]
Facebook Mistook Me for a Russian Troll
Sometimes, I shell out a few dollars for Facebook to “boost” a post on my Melinda Blau, author page. Writers like to be read. Yesterday, for example, I pledged $8 to promote “Make America Capable Again.” To my surprise, a few hours later I received a message from Facebook: “Your ad was rejected.” […]
Make America Capable Again
When my youngest grandson was 3, he moved a chair to the sink, climbed up, and started washing his dish. He did it mindfully, not like some kid splashing for the fun of it. Watching him, I remarked at how “capable” he was. I explained that being capable meant he could handle stuff. Someone […]